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【JPN Relief-72】Home Partner Story (3)

Donate and Volunteer to Help Japan Rebuild!
20130718iwate(1).JPGHabitat Japan has started the Solar Home Recovery Project in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture. The first phase of the project is to support an initial 13 families with installation of solar panels to their roofs. Beneficiary families have been selected on the basis of need, with a particular aim to support families with severely disabled members. Komatsu is one of those home partners.
Komatsu's house was partially damaged by the 3.11 earthquake. He repaired some parts at his own charge but he could not afford to fix a leak in the roof. At that time last year, Habitat Japan operated the house repair project and Komatsu finally repaired the roof with the financial support from Habitat Japan. .
Komatsu's son is physically disabled.and he himself is at a great age of ninety. Even though his house was repaired, his family lives a harder life since the disaster. When he knew about Habitat's solar project, he immediately applied to it as hehad a great confidence in Habitat's service. Komatsu expects that the solar project would be a big financial help in the next decades.
"I earn a little money from fishery. It is for my family but for my pleasure as well. But it costs much to store fish in several refrigerators. I expect the solar panels can generate electricy for home use ," Komatsu said.
The second phase of the Solar Home Recovery Project is starting shotly. The project is aiming at community centers in Ofunato to empower communities to reform ties and independence after the disaster.
◆Back Number
2013.05.31 Installed first panel in solar power project
2013.05.09 YouthBUILD : Japan Team Volunteered for Disaster Relief
2013.04.09 Miyagi : Completion of A Community Center
2013.03.18 Miyagi : House Repairs in Higashimatsushima
2013.03.08 Rebuilding Homes, Communities and Hope
2013.01.31 Iwate : Building Shed for Fishermen (3)
2013.01.08 Iwate : Housing Consultations Continue
※Please click here to donate to help Japan Earthquake and Tsunami victims or read Back Number before 2013. 

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